Sunday 15 April 2012

A blind eye

We experienced a robbery about 8 months ago and i still have nightmares about that night.but how much worse must it be,when robbers invade your home and take up residence there? We would have to ask our Palestinian brothers and sisters that,who suffer daily
at the hands of the delusional state of Israel.

There's a brilliant Facebook page called 'awaaz' that highlights the plight of oppressed nations worldwide.last week I had viewed horrific images on the page ,of Palestinian babies and kids murdered by Israeli troops.i was reminded That the world often chooses to ignore injustice or aids the perpetrators.Here I must make mention of it's biggest ally,the USA who spent $698 BILLION invading other countries last year!their so called wars on terror should be renamed wars of terror,seeing as how they have butchered the very people they claim to protect. I will not be so bold as to say these two entire nations are corrupt,but those governing them certainly are.

We had learned the truth a long time ago ,this is just a how long will we wait to assist those terrorized and brutalized in their own homes?or will we simply look the other way?

Until you read again
May Allah assist the victims and grant us all peace eternally.


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