Tuesday 15 May 2012


i follow a few pregnancy and motherhood forums and ive noticed a large number of ladies with the following problem.i call it triple m- moody ,miserable motherhood or what is more commonly known as post natal depression.

its nothing to be ashamed of.I,to a certain extent noticed a change in my behaviour after giving birth.it  is understandable considering what a woman goes through  during pregnancy and childbirth,it all takes a toll.the problem is that it should not negatively imprint on your behaviour permanently. i researched pnd and i was surprised to note that it often goes undiagnosed  and worse,untreated. the latter is possibly lethal,where some mothers end their or their kids life.
there is light at the end of the tunnel and it involves the use of simple solutions.
Pray.constantly and sincerely.there is nothing that puts you more at ease than dua(prayer)
Take care.look after your body and mind by eating well and resting
Talk! if you feel you are constantly down talk to your spouse ,parents or someone you trust.
Relax.take time off for you, a massage,tea with a friend,read a book.
Professional help.seek counsel if symptoms persist.
Link up. form a support group with other new moms.(revised from pregnancy sites)

realize your value as a mother and the incredible status you have been blessed with.cherish your role and remember that  “Verily, with hardship, there is relief  (94:6)” Al Quraan

until you read again

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