Wednesday 13 July 2016

I love Dua

I love Dua.

It makes a place for the lonely and the broken.
The hungry and the angry.
The hurt and confused. The bruised and bloodied.
To kneel down and break again,
break down before the The One.
The One Who hears all Who sees all,
Who knows all and Who can heal all.
It gives a way out or way in.
To rid yourself of all your sin.
So you can once again move on and stand up, rise up and dust yourself.
Free yourself
Relieve yourself
Be whole again, be happy.
When you're happy you can kneel again.

I love Dua
It makes a place for the happy and whole. For the healthy and content.
For the wealthy and the strong.
The safe and the sound.
To kneel down and thank the One.
The One who gives all and blesses all. Who knows all and hears your call.
It gives a way out or way in.
To rid yourself of the pride within.
To cleanse yourself.
Free yourself
Relieve yourself
So you can worship Him. And turn to Him.
Again and again and again!
In sha Allah
I love Dua

May Allah assist us all and grant us all ease in both worlds! Aameen

Until you read again


Unknown said...

MashaAllah 😍😍😍 what a beautiful, inspiring read..

Unknown said...

MashaAllah 😍😍😍 what a beautiful, inspiring read..