Thursday, 31 January 2013

Words bigger than I am!

Ive had much feedback recently from you lovely readers,and I must thank you for giving me something to really exercise my brain all got me thinking of the perception that is held of me,and whilst I'm glad most of it is good I also realize that my words are bigger than I am.If that makes no sense read on and I'll fill u in.

A scholar once mentioned something about how his wife would enthusiastically listen to his lectures prior to their marriage,and after marriage she commented that he sounded more pious( in his lectures)than he was (in reality). This I can relate to. We sometimes present an image of ourselves that is so far from the truth.And in presenting this image for the benefit of man ,we fail to grasp that it is Allah who we need to impress and aim to please.I'm not suggesting that we expose our wrongdoings and sin openly,but simply lets strive to be of those who practice what they preach,who live up to their good words and advice. This not only steers one away from hypocrisy but is so much easier to respect and accept the advice of one who lives by his words.And who better to aspire to in this regard than our Nabi S.A.W.

I make dua that Allah makes my good actions greater than what I have advocated and may He save us from being amongst the hypocrites! Aameen

Until you read again
Make a special Dua for me and mine please on this blessed day of Jumuah


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