Sunday, 27 January 2013

Battery low

I read a lovely post today about a husband ,addressed to a wife. It said something to the effect that if you are constantly upset ,irritated and moody with your husband then perhaps the problem lies in your Imaan being 'low' instead of there being faults with your husband.

Did you experience that 'wow' moment when you read that? Did your synapses click furiously as it dawned on you that you know precisely how that feels? It might not necessarily be with your husband that you experience those
emotions,it could be with anyone.It may be with your mother, perhaps a co- worker or your BFF but the underlying cause remains the same in most cases:your Imaan is desperately In need of a recharge!
Over the course of our lives we undergo numerous highs and lows. With most of us,the same can be said for our Imaan.There are periods where our negative emotions 'own' us,where Shaytaan sees our weaknesses and capitalizes on them.Granted ,a few people behave atrociously and warrant our being upset with them,but the reality is that most people aren't as bad as we make them out to be in our minds. It's often denial of our own faults that makes us see the worst in others and hence be constantly annoyed by them.This all boils down to a deficiency in our Imaan.for if we possessed superior faith,we would adopt the ways of our Nabi S.A.W. and see the best in others or be patient with them.We would also realize how short our stay in this world is in comparison to the everlasting abode in the Hereafter, and thus not let minor things affect us.Our belief in Allah and His mercy would steer us away from living so negatively.

It's time to let go of the hatred and hurt inside us.Time To let go of the petty things that seek to drown us in ,anxiety,depression and resentment. Time to lift our hands to our Creator in Dua and to lower our heads into our Quraans to attract His love and peace into our lives. Time to build our Imaan,to build our contentment on this earth and ultimately build our homes in Jannah! Inshaa-Allah!!

May the Almighty give me the strength first,to renew my faith in Him and always turn to Him!Aameen

Until you read again

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