Monday, 6 June 2011

self assesment test

i often come across quizzes and self assessment tests in magazines,and most of the time i find them to be incredibly shallow .with ridiculous topics ranging from "does your hair color match your personality' to 'rate your kissability' , i catch myself thinking 'id rather watch paint dry'.im going to present a test of my own ,theres no tallying of a total,but by answering honestly,ul allow yourself to see if you are where you want to be as a Muslim in some respects.
Simply answer 'yes' or 'no', or rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 5.     1=poor/never    5=excellent/always

1.Do i put my Deen before all other commitments?
2.Do i read my Salaah on time, calmly and with concentration?
3.Do i think/assume the best of my fellow man?
4.Do i make time to read at least 5 pages of the Glorious Quraan each day?
5.Do i respect my parents,siblings, spouse,in laws and peers?
6.Do i dress decently ?
7.Do i refrain from gossip,jealousy and arguments?
8.Do i assist those in need?
9.Do i act and dress more like a disbeliever than a believer?
10.Do i speak only what is true and verified?
11.Do i know/learn about my Islamic history and its Heroes?
12.Do i understand the basic principles of my Deen?
13.Do i practice on 'inviting to good' and 'preventing evil' ?
14.Do i turn to man first or do i turn to my Creator when i face a trial or difficulty?
15.Do i accept the will of my Creator happily or do i become angry and rebellious?

The above does not encompass every aspect of Deen but its these types of questions we need to ask ourselves on a regular basis.
Our Creator can and will be the only one to judge us fairly, on the basis of the strength of our intentions. Its up to us to be honest with ourselves and work on who we are and to always strive for improvement ,inshaAllah.

until you read again

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