Friday, 10 June 2011

the number game

42 years,7 siblings,11 years in school, 146 friends, 2 degrees, 3756 hits, 9 novels, 5 traffic fines,4 properties,12 overseas visits,0 arrest warrants,1 spouse, 3 offices, 8 languages, 6 awards , and  1 persian cat. totally random figures yet im sure your head is spinning having  read the above. be that as it may,its surprising to find that many of us define our lives by numbers and we struggle to draw distinctions between amount and value.

Be it the years we spend in college, the number of years marking a wedding anniversary or the amount reflecting in our bank account, we allow numbers to dominate some sphere of our existence. keeping count is definitely a must for certain matters but there is often undue emphasis placed on numbers. take the success of a partnership for is not reliant on numbers.ask the couple who split after 14 years together,they will testify that happiness and fulfillment do not come from numbers. The amount we may give as a gift or in charity is inconsequential too, its our motive and thought behind what we give that defines its value.

Stop counting and start LIVING..have a peaceful yet uplifting weekend..

until you read again

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