Saturday, 16 April 2011

choc chip conveyor belt

sitting down to write this i feel like  im being transported back to grade 5.but the fact that theres no teacher breathing down my neck yelling about due dates,it reminds me that this is a voluntary effort and a way to share the wonders of a biscuit factory with you.

contrary to my - sleep until i cant sleep anymore- habit, i awoke early yesterday morning overly eager for  the day ahead.'take your wife to work day' or so i said, when my friend joked that i dont give my poor husband a break from giving you the benefit of the doubt by assuming that you have already figured out where he works.anyway come 9;00am the rainy weather did nothing to dampen my spirits which soared even higher the moment i stepped in.mmmmmm,that pretty much sums it up.the smell makes you want to lick the walls and jump into the oven,okay not really,but its pretty tour started at my husbands office, then upstairs to view the mixers from where the dough is lead through chutes  down to the lower level,where it  is then  cut and baked. The process churning out more cookies per minute than i can eat or  count for that matter.The baked goods proceed on their journey along the conveyor belt,to be cooled, weighed ,packed and distributed. Im usually not fond of biscuits with a strawberry cream but the smell in that section was simply intoxicating!even the budget line shortbread had me close to drooling. I was told that the company began in a shed with just one oven so the experience made me hopeful that i would one day open a successful bakery inshaAllah or that you may even see my  cupcakes lining the shelves of supermarkets nationwide. hehe,a girl can dream..

from the HUGE rolling embossers to the 25kg blocks of margarine,the biscuit factory had me enthralled.make a point to visit one or some sort of food based factory, maybe just not a cat food one.

until you read again

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