Tuesday, 12 April 2011

brand me

baby shopping is awesome!maybe even more so than shopping  for myself.on saturday afternoon the mister and i spent the better part of an hour searching for a camp cot and i couldnt help but  feast my eyes on the darling itsy bitsy clothes on offer.whilst viewing the sale items, an absolutely adorable branded box set of sneakers and a t shirt caught my eye and would later form the basis of a rather interesting conversation.

my cousin is a few months more closer to delivery than i am and is a constant source of advice and information.whilst sharing our latest baby purchase stories i mentioned the box set to her to which she responded that she has no interest in brands.she further explained that she knows of too many kids with pride because of the brands they wear.i responded saying that i would buy brands for my little one at the right price and which i will pass on to my other kids or nieces and nephews,because the quality is often much better.. she then shocked me with the reply that she knows of 2 year olds who think they are better than their cousins due to the brand on their t-shirts.  here i think the blame cannot be put on a child who thinks that way.a 2 year old says and is what  he hears from those around him. if a parent places emphasis on a brand,so too will the child. every child must be made to understand that whatever he has is a blessing,something to be grateful for and not reason to become arrogant.they should be taught that they must wear clothes 4 a purpose, the clothes must not wear them!

this all reminded me of the following quote in which is a powerful lesson for us all..
Ali (RA) expressed beautifully, "Detachment [from the dunya/world] is not that you should own nothing, but that nothing should own you.”
 until you read again

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