Tuesday, 29 March 2011

when we lose our way

"Improve your secret and private life, and Allah will improve your public and social life." that quote triggered a number of thoughts and a fair bit of soul searching as they would call it.its such simple,clear advice and is exactly what we need to mend our ills.
most vices begin when we think no one is watching.if we have experimented with any illegal material or engaged in any inappropriate activity,its unlikely that our moms or dads were spectators.we often lose love and trust by those illicit actions committed in private which somehow surface later on. this brings me to the notion that if we guard our behaviour closely whilst  in seclusion its probably going to save us on all fronts.we must remember that the Creator sees and knows all.we may hide from our parents or spouses but theres no hiding from Him..the trick is to be the same person you are in public and in private-and let that person be good!!  we cant be perfect,thats been established, but to be good we dont need to be perfect. it just requires constant effort in  guarding our eyes, what we hear,guarding our tongues and protecting our nether regions.hehe. we make that effort and its what we will be rewarded for inshaAllah(God willing) 
the clubs,movies,drugs,bribery,lying,cheating,music,pornography,stealing etc. in private and in public are not for us,and nor will they ever be.we have been blessed with the best way (Quraan  &  Sunnah), its time we live up to it! inshaAllah
until you read again

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