Wednesday, 16 March 2011


at my wits end,or incredibly close,that was me at 9:30pm last night. after a bitterly bitter mousse experiment,lack of icing sugar and 1 carton too less of fresh cream i was about to throw in the towel and a new customer away.step in husband to save the day(or night),and you remember why you love him so much..

let me bring u up to speed coz the intro is a bit sketchy.i had an order for choc mousse cupcakes and i was rather delayed in purchasing the ingredients for the topping.consequently i couldnt find what i needed and there werent many shops open at that time. so i had to make a completely foreign recipe which frankly came out disgusting.i went moaning to my husband about my failure and he took me out at a little before ten on the search for fresh cream!ah,my knight in shining kurta!

phew, that was close.the kitchen was closed before midnight with me learning some valuable lessons.i also learned that  if i do happen to slip up i know i have back up! ;-)

until you read again

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