Friday, 25 February 2011

making love at 4 in the afternoon

its not what u think.and i know what you are thinking..hehe..its weird how our minds have been trained to think in graphic terms.the most innocent gestures perceived in the most lewd ways which is largely due to the media and music.but ill save my mind control theories for another its all about making love..

allow me to clear the proverbial air.the love im making is with my a baker by trade ,islamic scholar by qualification.whilst my cupcakes shed off their excess heat,   i do too, writing  this with one intention in mind.let me fill u in.everywhere i look there are droves of listless people at dead end jobs,or individuals stewing in b2b traffic at the end of another tough day..and if you ask them about it  youre lucky to get a mumbled reply or if youre not so lucky a furious rant about the ongoings of their tedious job.and it got me thinking,why do you choose a said profession that makes u unhappy.i understand that some have little to no choice with regard to their employment and its conditions.but what of those who have made the choice? where is the love now? 
ive got it in my mind that to be happy we need for our Creator,our Prophet [pbuh],our familes,ourselves and definitely love for what we do..if there is  no love, is there a point to living?

'put love in everything you do' thats the secret i get past all our discontentment and frusrations with life..

until u read again..
love,peace and light...

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