Monday, 28 February 2011

circus act

this weekend saw me navigating  at a hectic pace..not that i did much but it didnt conform with my usual 'weekends are for sleeping' notion.. saturday,the focus of todays blog, saw me attending a wedding where i knew a delightful total of 2 people-1 of whom is my husband.Anyway,that didnt prove to be too big  a problem as i eventually struck up a conversation with a lovely lady and earned myself a bb contact.yay me!hehe..despite that ,the wedding ,like most others left me disappointed.Heres why....

My ideal of a wedding is hardly ever met.i want to be at a wedding where the union of love -in accordance with Allah's laws- is the sole focus.where the dressing of the hall and its guests is dulled ,and the brilliance of new love takes centre stage.where i leave satiated-not because of the seven course meal,but with the feast my soul has had. with the drapings,steamjets,chandeliers,booming sound systems and fireworks,im often  tempted to ask wheres the ring master?

 The unions of simplicity were the most successful.The Prohet [PBUH] had the most basic wedding feasts yet all of his relationships we feed our senses,but not our souls.
 Call me old fashioned....i am!

until you read again
ma'assalaam (with peace)

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