Before you venture forth, read this knowing it's not an attack on anyone. It's not meant to hurt or harm. It's in the light of educating and hopefully encouraging all Muslimahs(including myself) to adopt the true hijaab, In sha Allah.
Hijaab is a term used too loosely these days resulting in its true meaning being lost or misconstrued. If Wikipedia can tell us :' Hijāb, pronounced [ħiˈdʒæːb] or [ħiˈɡæːb]) is a veil traditionally worn by Muslim women in the presence of adult males outside of their immediate family, which usually covers the head and chest."
Why then have we as Muslim women made the Hijaab out to be just the scarf or head covering?
If we choose the headscarf as our starting point or as our step in the right direction, that's great, Alhamdulillah. But we should not advertise the headscarf as 'The Hijaab',coz it's not. Another thing about the Hijaab is that it's not meant to be beautiful. The point is lost when we try to spruce it up, get in line with fashion trends and make the hijaab attractive. The hijaab is not the turban, or the exquisitely draped Layered look you've been viewing on YouTube or that humpy lumpy do . The hijaab is rather a modest covering, for all intents and purposes it's not supposed to look good. It is not supposed to be bright or appealing. It is to identify you as a muslimah and it is to be your mark of modesty. It is honouring the tradition of the wives of the Prophet SAW and the Sahaabiyyah RA.
Above all the hijaab is the command of our Creator and in order to earn His pleasure we have to strive for devotion inwardly and outwardly. When we say 'but my heart is clean' it is a poor excuse.For if that was the case then Allah would not have prescribed an external form of devotion. Make a firm intention to adopt the Hijaab for His pleasure alone, the benefits of which will be far reaching,In sha Allah. Aameen
Until you read again
Well said. Allah grant us hidaaayah to implement
Thumma Aameen
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