I grew up in a home of generous women. My Mom, my paternal grandmother, my sisters
And even though she did not live with us my maternal grandmother is counted amongst these generous ones. And what inspires me most about these woman is that you would not have considered them especially wealthy. So I know with certainty that giving isn't limited to the wealthy. It's a way for every female and male to gain closeness to Allah by giving from whatever we have been blessed with. In giving we give ourselves a great gift, ie.freedom of the love and attachment of this material world. And the thing about giving is that no matter how much you've given there's always more that you can give. Giving, which is not limited to physical wealth only. Giving of our time, our kind words, our encouragement, our sincere advice, our sympathy, our knowledge.. Giving is truly an exercise of the heart!
I would love to carry the legacy of the woman before me and I Implore myself first and you dear reader to give sincerely for His pleasure. For we know not which Rand or gift of assistance will lighten our loads on the Day of Reckoning.
I make Dua that we become an Ummah of givers, so that we can become takers of His bounteous rewards on the day of accountability! Aameen
Until you read again
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