Sunday, 1 June 2014


Ive kept my title simple because I  don't think many of us fully grasp this concept. I count myself amongst the unfortunate who keep striving for more, for bigger for supposedly better in this lowly world. When does it end, is it only when we enter the grave?

If we were wise It would end at contentment. 

con·tent·ment   (kən-tĕnt′mənt)
1. The state of being contented; satisfaction.
2. A source of satisfaction

The quest for worldly increase stops at Being happy with what Allah has chosen for us . 

Live for happier, live for peace ,live for Jannah. 
Quit trying to keep up with the kardashians(I'm led to believe they are the new joneses). As much of this world  they may have ,They don't have it all. Happiness is not merely what you have in your hand, it's what  is concealed in your head and heart.. 

Until you read again

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