Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Too soon...

Too soon the time passes by  
Too soon those wings will be ready to fly  
Too soon the time will cease for the toy cars and trucks and trains  
For the peeking from behind the curtains as it thunders and rains 
For the tea parties and picnics on our shaggy rug 
For the gummy smiles and giggles that at my heart tug 
For the silliness and mirth without reason  
For this summer that has become my every season
For the early mornings and rushed nights  
For the bedtime rituals and rites 
For the spontaneous hugs and cuddles
For bright wellies stomping through puddles 
For the constant mess and dirt smudges  
For daily tantrums sans grudges 
For the grazed knees and tear stained faces
For the on your mark, get set ,go! races
For the indoor cricket and clumsy football  
For the rapping on the bathroom door with that call  

Of mom, mummy, mom, mooom!  

Too soon!  

Too soon the now will become the then  
Too soon my boys will become men..   

For my loves ,my lights, Muhammad and Tameem. 

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Success is a Salaah away.

Problems. Every human at some point in his /her life will be tested with these. These are further expounded with attempts to 'solve' the said problems through vices such as gambling,alcohol,drugs and immorality when the answers to our problems are simply a Salaah away..

5 times daily The Adhaan so beautifully invites with the words :

حي على الفلاحHayya ʿala 'l-falāḥHasten to success.
How is it then that Still, we look for solutions and success in every other avenue?

Salaah was gifted to this Ummah. No other preceding Ummah was given Salaah as it is prescribed to us. So undoubtedly this 5 daily Salaah is A gift because In it we are afforded the opportunity to talk to our Creator. To ask of the One who controls the Heavens and the Earth, to cry to Him who can remove all affliction if He so wills, To seek forgiveness from the Most Merciful and to seek peace and contentment in a world fraught with unease. It is absolutely astounding that so often so many of us turn down this invite, we ignore the call to Pray to our Allah , and Allah forbid, we turn away from the path of true success.

Put Allah first, put Salaah and the obedience of Allah first and watch how our lives will be transformed. Nothing, and I mean nothing compares to the feeling when you have performed Salaah on it's appointed time. With Salaah comes happiness and success in both worlds, and what more do we need after that?

Until you read again


Ive kept my title simple because I  don't think many of us fully grasp this concept. I count myself amongst the unfortunate who keep striving for more, for bigger for supposedly better in this lowly world. When does it end, is it only when we enter the grave?

If we were wise It would end at contentment. 

con·tent·ment   (kən-tĕnt′mənt)
1. The state of being contented; satisfaction.
2. A source of satisfaction

The quest for worldly increase stops at Being happy with what Allah has chosen for us . 

Live for happier, live for peace ,live for Jannah. 
Quit trying to keep up with the kardashians(I'm led to believe they are the new joneses). As much of this world  they may have ,They don't have it all. Happiness is not merely what you have in your hand, it's what  is concealed in your head and heart.. 

Until you read again

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Mothering without a map part 2

After my last post I guess it was only ' right' that I joined my fav ladies in the 'expecting' line. Alhamdulillah , by Allah's grace I begin the second part in my mothering journey with much excitement and trepidation .

It's true what is said about pregnancy,every pregnancy is different. Though Here's a little something that is and will remain constant..

Dear baby

They say I'm a mom to be, but I'm already your mom.
From the minute I knew you existed I have known myself to be so.
If it were as they say,then you would be a 'baby to be'
But that's not true, you already exist
With your tiny hands,head and tiny feet
And the exceptional rhythm of your heartbeat.

So I became your mom ,right at your start.
Because I've already set aside the dos and donts
For myself that is, your rules will come later
For now just be you
My priceless precious baby

Love you already

Until you read again

Friday, 17 January 2014

Mothering without a map

A few of my favorite ladies are due to give birth this year so I dedicate this post to them and also since I haven't posted anything motherly recently . Well truthfully I haven't posted 'anything' recently so here's to remedying that. Read on..

The title of this blog post is actually that of a book. It comprised  of witty ,insightful and poignant reminders that babies don't come with instructions or the said map in this case. Anyway, this relates in that new mothers or moms to be would sometimes come up to me seeking advice and in my mind I'd be like " I'm in no position to be giving any" . You may laugh but I've asked for and read a lot of advice and much thereof hasn't helped. Not because those who were imparting the advice were wrong, no, but simply because the context is different with each child. As each mother will learn ..smirk

Prior to giving birth I read and read and read all that I could about birth and babies. I felt confident armed with this wealth of information. But come the real deal and I was thinking " wait, they didn't say anything about THIS in the books" . It was then that I realized why maternal instincts exist. Allah has blessed woman with this amazing intuitive gift. When the books have no answer the instincts kick in and you and your baby learn together  two different sets of life lessons. Many people will offer advice, listen and thank them,and if it fits for you and your baby go ahead and use the advice. There's no hard and fast rules for mothering ,you don't need unnecessary pressure  on yourself in thinking there's only one way of doing things.
Do educate yourself but don't be hard on yourself if what you've learnt doesn't work with your baby. 

Live each day to listen to, learn from, and 
Love your little bundle of blessings.  And remember that throughout the road there is Allah to guide you and to answer your calls when you feel lost on the mothering path. 

Until you read again