Too soon those wings will be ready to fly
Too soon the time will cease for the toy cars and trucks and trains
For the peeking from behind the curtains as it thunders and rains
For the tea parties and picnics on our shaggy rug
For the gummy smiles and giggles that at my heart tug
For the silliness and mirth without reason
For this summer that has become my every season
For the early mornings and rushed nights
For the bedtime rituals and rites
For the spontaneous hugs and cuddles
For bright wellies stomping through puddles
For the constant mess and dirt smudges
For daily tantrums sans grudges
For the grazed knees and tear stained faces
For the on your mark, get set ,go! races
For the indoor cricket and clumsy football
For the rapping on the bathroom door with that call
Of mom, mummy, mom, mooom!
Too soon!
Too soon the now will become the then
Too soon my boys will become men..
For my loves ,my lights, Muhammad and Tameem.