Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Camel frump hijaab

I have been mainly serious in my blog this year,or absent for lengthy unexplained periods. I need to get serious about blogging again but also lighten up the posts a bit. We often forget that our Nabi Saw had every good thing in his life with moderation, joking and being jovial included. So here's my light hearted take on a serious matter in an attempt to remove the melancholy feel of this blog but not lose the focus either.

This one is aimed at us sisters, Not that i know of any brothers who read my blog. anyway, so with Ramadaan having come and gone,many sisters have made effort on donning the Hijaab. Having tread that path once I know the struggle of the straight pins,the bobby pins,and that scarf that never quite sits where you want it to. The struggle has got some sisters experimenting with styles and fabrics ,to keep the Hijaab in place and to make it fashionable as well. The results ranging from beautiful to downright scary. At the top of my most frightening hijabs(if it can even be called that ) is the 'wig hijab' . I didn't just make that up,Google it if you want proof and if you're into horrors. Then possibly the most common and equally disturbing trend is the camel hump hijab. That voldemort wannabe style that every third female is sporting.why? Oh why? Please explain this one to me ,someone? anyone? Apart from making females look like double headed individuals it attracts the curse and anger of Allah. Not cool and definitely not worth it. Seriously tho ( sorry ,I can't help it) ,the essence of Hijaab is modesty. There isn't much modesty where these huge humps and garish clips are concerned.

Il leave you with this pic for a bit of a laugh and with the sincere hope that the essence of Hijaab does not become lost on us.

Until you read again

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