Wednesday, 20 February 2013

No humor in death

The day after my last blog post ,the paralympian Oscar Pistorious killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp at his home. Tho details are still sketchy regarding the truth of what happened ,it somehow felt so surreal hearing the news that morning. Whichever angle you look at it ,this tragedy spoke volumes about the type of society we live in.

Most people seem to have an opinion of what happened that morning, I am still 'sitting on the fence'.I do however,take a strong stance against the jokes circulating in regards to the killing.I find nothing remotely funny about death and paraplegia. In this case, a woman is gone, her chance at this life is gone ,a family's loved one is gone. There is no excuse for being insensitive to the loss of life or ridiculing of people with disabilities based on the yet to be confirmed actions of an individual.
Regardless of whether the victim was Muslim or not,our Deen is one of mercy and it demands us to show respect and compassion.
" The one who doesn’t show mercy on the people, Allah will not show mercy to him." (Tirmidhi)

Tragedies like these should serve to remind us that as humans we are not infallible and that we should constantly make Dua ( pray) that Allah saves us from the same. We are all to leave this world and we have no clue when and how it will happen. May the Almighty be most pleased with us on that day! Aameen.

Until you read again

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