Monday, 1 October 2012

List mania

A while ago I read a book entitled love:unlisted.I would have classified it as fluff(chick lit) had it not had such a profound lesson.It basically centered around a woman who kept a book with her,in which she would list the pros and cons of all those she knew.Freaky?yes,but it got me thinking that we do that without realizing it,except that we usually internalize our lists.And like the woman in the story it could get us into trouble too..

You might agree that being a good judge of character is important for ones own safety,but if it takes on the aforementioned style of 'listing' I think it would lend to an incredibly judgemental mind frame.And seeing as how we all have faults ( in abundance ) that's a trait we could well do without.if we are 'listing' lets try to keep it positive,focus on the good ( here's hoping I take my own advice)

So in the spirit of steering away from negative listing ,i'll share with you a list of 10 random things most people would probably not know about me

1. My childhood ambitions included becoming a pilot,a sports manager and a pediatrician
2. I am clumsy ( the trip over my own feet type)
3. I'm a recovering 'sports-aholic'
4. All my phobias start with an A ; Acrophobia(fear of heights) ,Astraphobia (fear of lightning and thunder) and Agyrophobia ( fear of crossing roads)
5. I am 22 going on 10,I have yet to lose interest in comics,fairy tales and rhymes.
6. I absolutely despise music and vulgarity
7. I compulsively declutter( material things weigh me down)
8. I was the family clown/ entertainer/dweeb(it included a brief phase of being an Indian Alligator)
9.Im a sucker for print media,chocolate and Rooibos tea
10.I struggled compiling this list,and more so with the realization that I'm about as interesting as a box (hah,take that ego)

Until you read again

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