Thursday, 1 December 2011

All those moments..

Thinking about lil mans future got me thinking about my past.the days when we would play until every last drop of energy was used up and we would pass out in weird random places.

I think I can best describe my childhood as being 'charmed'.it was the kind of childhood I wish every child could have. It was not filled with material wealth as one might think but it was filled with the wealth of love.and I think that contributed to it being as good as it was.growing up on a farm we had ample space for our imaginations to grow,and grow they did.i recall so many of our sentences beginning with the words 'lets pretend' .my mind falls back picturing the large gum trees which provided the perfect demarcations for our 'large mansions' and the flowers that fell from it made the finest jewels.its sheathes of bark made for 'large serving platters' on which our delicious mud creations were served.And then there were our 'pets'.any hapless animal that happened to wander onto our property became 'ours'.we had em all from a baby owl to a chameleon .we found it binding on ourselves to take care of them,digging up worms and Catching flies for the aforementioned when they were perfectly capable of fending for themselves. our adopted friends were endlessly entertaining except for maybe the skunk who made himself rather comfy in our veranda. The days seemed much longer back then,and our play would last as long as there was light.

I think Our mum is largely to thank for all the fun ,she allowed us to get our hands dirty and wasn't phased when we took half of the contents of the house outside to use as props.she allowed us to be kids and we loved every minute

Until you read again

Typing this out and I'm smiling inside.

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