Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Random thoughts on the fight of your life

We can live through so many moments of difficulty thinking 'this is the worst thing to ever happen to me' or 'how am I going to get through this '? only to find out that it was just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

You think you've been to hell and back only to realise a greater affliction stood before you. You conquered your fears only to realise that your greatest fears were yet to be realised. You hurt so bad only to realise that the first cut wasn't the deepest.
This is life.
The tests keep coming, sometimes with a steady ebb and flow, at other times a ruthless downpour.
But do you know what? you're still here.
No matter how many times you have been broken, you're still here!

And do you know why?

He willed it.
And He wills it all for a reason.

And you often only find out that reason once you've embraced the challenge of the trial. Once you've known hurt,and confusion but still you've been patient. Once you have understood that there is good in every situation for those who believe.

So whatever your affliction, whatever your trial may be, whatever disturbs the peace of your soul...
Don't throw in the towel.
Don't say you can't.
Don't lose your trust in Him.

You're a fighter, you've gotten this far, you have won so many battles. Don't give in..
The final war is yet to be won. The rush of the Kalima from your lips as you transcend the barrier between now and the eternal.
When you'll know with certainty
All those trials, they led you to this..
This is the ultimate win.
So please,you're almost there, don't give in.
In sha Allah! Aameen

Until you read again