Thursday, 4 July 2013

Moon moon,come out soon, we want to see the Ramadaan moon

My favorite time of the year is fast approaching. With under a week to go to the most auspicious month on the Islamic calender I find myself to be a bundle of nerves. It is with this abundance of restless energy that I type this post nearing 1 in the morn.

I often sing the song 'moon moon,come out soon' by Yusuf Islam to my almost 2 year old.After singing it to him earlier in the day,it dawned on me how close that song is to materializing. I am just hopeful that I will actually be blessed with the opportunity of seeing another Ramadaan moon. And what a moon it is...
It is that moon that brings the promise of hope and new beginnings. That moon that announces the month of the Quraan. That moon that opens a month whose beginning is mercy,whose middle is forgiveness and it's end freedom from the Hell- fire. That moon that symbolizes a period of sacrifice ,sympathy and Muslim brotherhood.That moon that brings about a month which contains a night Better than a 1000 months. That moon that signals for the big devils to be chained. That moon that introduces to a believer ,days of abundant blessings and increase in reward for ones good deeds.

I then asked myself what else does this moon signify,Especially in my predominantly Indian community? Does it set in motion a month which sees us freeing up freezer place? A month wherein we eat more richly than we do in other months? A month which is merely endured instead of loved? A month that sees youth engaging in fruitless activities nightly i.e drag racing and the like. And then most recently , a month in whose name some festivals and souks are held,wherein fashion shows and other Fitnahs take place?

I shake my head and it hurts my heart that we sometimes attach this month mainly to things of this dunya. I'm not saying that we shouldn't eat, that we shouldn't engage in work/business and that we can't have clean fun,but I AM saying that this month should not be lost over the aforementioned practices. The word Ramadaan comes from the Arabic word 'ramida' meaning Scorching heat, giving it the meaning of the month wherein sins are burnt. Let Ramadaan be about this! Let the emphasis be on reflection ,repentance and positive change! May Allah grant me the strength first to live up to these expectations ,and to derive full benefit from this most amazing month. May Allah bless us all abundantly and keep us all in His mercy! Aameen!

Until you read again