Monday, 10 June 2013


I'm certain you will recognize the talent behind these ,I brag about her often enough. This majestic beauty from our Creator has been captured brilliantly by her and has left me with such a sense of calm, that I feel compelled to share. Enjoy :)

Saturday, 8 June 2013

My way Home

The most significant of all creation
A human

Starting the climb
One step,two steps

Dips and uphills

Back bent
Brow furrowed

Catch my breath
Surging forward
I see the summit

Still alive
Keep going

I trip
I stumble
I fall

You pick me up
I hold on
Dust off
And nearing
Almost there

The peak
Just Temporary
The descent


Soldier on
Or Totter along


My end in sight?
No,Just the beginning

I've found my way
To You
I belong
Im Home

Until you read again

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Is there an easy way to lose?

There is a certainty in life, and it's name is 'loss'. Some will lose jobs, others belongings,there is loss of relationships,loss of respect,loss of trust, we lose friends and loved ones and we all will certainly lose our lives one day.

Loss is as the old adage says 'a bitter pill to swallow' . It's one of those things that no matter how,or if you have prepared for it,it affects you and often hits hard. The way we deal with loss is personal. It is unlikely that any two people will react to the same loss in the same way. Some internalize loss, some deal with it dramatically and some lose themselves in the process. Like with all experiences Islam outlines the perfect code in dealing with loss. The basis of this code being patience and the promise of a great reward for bearing a loss in this manner. It is here where we realize that even when Allah takes from us He gives. Patience is from Him. Understanding is from Him. Acceptance is from Him. He takes what is His and still gives us the means to cope, and the incentive to persevere.

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “Allah (swt) says: O son of Adam! If you remained patient restraining yourself and expecting my reward at the initial shock, I will not be happy without rewarding you with Jannah.” (From Abee Umaamah in Ibn Maajah)

“Those who practice sabr (patience) will be rewarded their recompense without measure.” (Az-Zumar 39:10)

I don't think there is an easy way to lose, but there is a successful way. That may not make the most sense but if you really think about it,loss inspires some to great heights. It can drive us to be better,to be stronger and if we are gracious when faced with a loss there is much to gain in both worlds. In sha Allah !

May Allah grant us all ease! Aameen

Until you read again

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Turn up that smile

This week has been heartbreaking. On Monday my grandmothers brother passed on and on Tuesday morning I lost a dear cousin of mine in an accident. At just 23,His passing has left so many of us reeling,and each with a mile long list of memories.

With tears in my eyes and a smile on my lips I struggle to begin to describe the exceptional character he possessed. He was one of those remarkable beings,always full of life and laughter, ever ready with a witty remark and cheerful banter. It was impossible to be in his company without smiling. Another relative of mine mentioned that it was as if he was just here to cheer us all up. Young or old,he engaged effortlessly with everybody and he had the ability to make every person feel significant. People who have just known him,in passing ,have felt his loss. And I think that can only be attributed to his amazing manner and sincere approach . Be it with fishing advice,narrating a story,or a quick game with children ,he shared what he knew and gave of his time without expecting anything in

I could fill blog after blog with all the fond memories he has left us with ,but I want to share a message which I feel his life conveyed. Try to bring joy and smiles wherever you go. Give and give and give until people have no choice but to love you. And it is that love that will make them treasure you ,in their hearts and more importantly in their Duas once you have departed from this world.

May Allah ease this heartache and may he surround our brother Riaz with those who will keep him laughing and smiling eternally.Aameen

Until you read again