It came ,it left me in awe and I hope it conquered atleast a few of my nafs( evil desires) Inshaa Allah. my favourite time of the year has passed and it was a very busy one(which should explain my absence). like with so many other things it left me with a great feeling of sadness,not for what the month was ,but for what we now make of it.
Each year we experience a heightened sense of spirituality during Ramadaan,and that's how it should be. But What gets me down (excuse the pun) ,is how after the high,we fall almost flat on our faces the very next day or in the week that follows.the day of eid becomes a showcase of the wrong ideals ,not the day of prizegiving as we have been taught. Immodesty and gossiping are of the evils that almost immediately slip back into our lives.There are many exceptions to this but I think we all can relate in some way to how we see our efforts go in vain by our OWN hands.
WE can make the choice to continue to guard our eyes ,our ears ,our limbs and minds. And WE can make dua that Allah guides our hearts to what is good eternally. It's up to us to decide if WE have truly loved ,appreciated and honored the amazing month that has left us.
Until you read again