iv been threatening my sister(the 1 with middle child syndrome ;P ) for a while now about this blog,so here it is
this blog is nostalgia induced,as you will soon tell. and its dedicated to me hearties, dweebys ,poppitys ,simply the two who are best known as my sisters!
our geographical positions at the moment are such that we see each other no more than once a month.that changed yesterday as we had a wedding in the family,but generally the visits are infrequent.i miss them terribly because where my sisters are concerned ,theyv taught me the following:
that to get by in the world ,i must equip myself with honesty,good manners and common sense.
that whenever i have a problem ,i must read the Quraan and the best solution will present itself
that no task is too daunting (this is especially so for our handywoman miss z, who cemented and polyfilled and God knows what else)
that we can give off ourselves and of our time without keeping count and without expecting anything in return
that we can still be polite and courteous to people regardless of the treatment they have meted to us
that blessing lies in eating only of halal and seeking of a halal income
that u dont have to pretend to be something that u are not
that Salaah comes first.full stop.
that patience gets you what arguing and rebellion cant.
that ones parents are precious.treat them as such.
that sometimes u dont have to say anything but someone else can understand you.(esp at weddings,hehe)
i could list a lifetime of their lessons,but i would like to express a lifetime of appreciation. My sisters u are AMAZING .Blessed ,fortunate,lucky, im all of those things for u have filled my life with happiness,love and support.May the Almighty bless u abundantly in this world and raise u up on the Day of Judgement with the martyrs.Aameen
"I know some sisters who only see each other on Mother's Day and some who will never speak again. But most are like my sister and me... linked by volatile love, best friends who make other best friends ever so slightly less best. ~Patricia Volk"
until you read again
Monday, 30 May 2011
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
why is it ?
i wrote this a while ago and find myself still asking the same questions.
Why is it that...?
We are quick 2 point out errors of others but seldom recognize n correct our own.
We happily allow sin 2 continue but mock efforts of redemption.
We accept those who allow us 2 sin n reject those who try 2 stop us.
We enjoy teasing others but despise it when the tables are turned.
We question the intentions of others when we have been advised 2 assume the best about em.
We reject the advice of well wishers and deny ourselves the chance 2 prosper.
We treat our loved ones as if we have never loved them.
We treat some strangers as if we have always loved them.
We laugh at those with disabilities but dont recognize that our laughter points 2 a greater disability on our part.
We gossip endlessly about people but often will smile and play nice with the same people we gossiped about.
We love gossiping, vain talk and the like but seldom discuss Quraan n Sunnah with as much enthusiasm.
We dont listen 2 our parents and elders but carefully hang on 2 the words of our friends.
We ignore the advice of our elders but are quick 2 look in their direction wen things go pear shaped.
We argue and attack our loved ones but dont grasp that our stay in this world is temporary.
We regret when they are gone but not when they are in front of us 2 forgive them or seek their forgiveness.
We dont do what our parents or spouses request but we will try our best for others.
We shy away from making salaam but we know it was such a strongly emphasised Sunnah.
We wish for a wand or fairy 2 make things right yet each believer has the powerful weapon of Dua.
We chase after this world but we know that its only gonna 'run' further away.
We judge a man by 1 wrong action not realizing that we are all subject 2 change.
We judge by color,race and appearance yet the beauty of mankind is in its diversity.
We judge a mans appearance yet we know what is in his heart will always count 4 more.
We base our success on the recognition we get 4rm others not by the value it has added 2 our lives n the lives of the underprivileged.
We judge intelligence by report cards n certificates not on practicality.
We spend thousands on branded items and futile activities but when the beggar comes along he gets R2(if hes lucky).
We aim our efforts at people and seek their praise but our efforts should actually be directed at our Creator.
We find it hard 2 repent and think our sins are 2 great but we know that Allah's mercy is greater than His anger.
We spend hours shopping,playing games n talking nonsense etc, but we dont have time 4 2 rakaats Nafl Salaah.
We forget that Salah,Zakah,Fasting are compulsory,
NOT optional.
We think 2 highly of ourselves n develop pride when we do a little good but forget the enormous efforts of the Ambiya ,Sahaaba n Tabieen.
We lose hope at the slightest misfortune but fail to thank Allah 4 the blessings that are innumerable!
until you read again
Why is it that...?
We are quick 2 point out errors of others but seldom recognize n correct our own.
We happily allow sin 2 continue but mock efforts of redemption.
We accept those who allow us 2 sin n reject those who try 2 stop us.
We enjoy teasing others but despise it when the tables are turned.
We question the intentions of others when we have been advised 2 assume the best about em.
We reject the advice of well wishers and deny ourselves the chance 2 prosper.
We treat our loved ones as if we have never loved them.
We treat some strangers as if we have always loved them.
We laugh at those with disabilities but dont recognize that our laughter points 2 a greater disability on our part.
We gossip endlessly about people but often will smile and play nice with the same people we gossiped about.
We love gossiping, vain talk and the like but seldom discuss Quraan n Sunnah with as much enthusiasm.
We dont listen 2 our parents and elders but carefully hang on 2 the words of our friends.
We ignore the advice of our elders but are quick 2 look in their direction wen things go pear shaped.
We argue and attack our loved ones but dont grasp that our stay in this world is temporary.
We regret when they are gone but not when they are in front of us 2 forgive them or seek their forgiveness.
We dont do what our parents or spouses request but we will try our best for others.
We shy away from making salaam but we know it was such a strongly emphasised Sunnah.
We wish for a wand or fairy 2 make things right yet each believer has the powerful weapon of Dua.
We chase after this world but we know that its only gonna 'run' further away.
We judge a man by 1 wrong action not realizing that we are all subject 2 change.
We judge by color,race and appearance yet the beauty of mankind is in its diversity.
We judge a mans appearance yet we know what is in his heart will always count 4 more.
We base our success on the recognition we get 4rm others not by the value it has added 2 our lives n the lives of the underprivileged.
We judge intelligence by report cards n certificates not on practicality.
We spend thousands on branded items and futile activities but when the beggar comes along he gets R2(if hes lucky).
We aim our efforts at people and seek their praise but our efforts should actually be directed at our Creator.
We find it hard 2 repent and think our sins are 2 great but we know that Allah's mercy is greater than His anger.
We spend hours shopping,playing games n talking nonsense etc, but we dont have time 4 2 rakaats Nafl Salaah.
We forget that Salah,Zakah,Fasting are compulsory,
NOT optional.
We think 2 highly of ourselves n develop pride when we do a little good but forget the enormous efforts of the Ambiya ,Sahaaba n Tabieen.
We lose hope at the slightest misfortune but fail to thank Allah 4 the blessings that are innumerable!
until you read again
Monday, 23 May 2011
"The gift of patience" extracted from "majestic islam"
What is the meaning of Patience (Sabr)? As a child we are taught to be patient so that we can arrive at something we want. We reinforce this training by telling our own children when we don’t want to buy something they want straight away “soon, soon, be patient and you will get it soon.” I’ve heard myself say this to my Son several times. Children are smart and after only a few times of hearing this response he would reply: “Patience, patience, when is the end of patience!”
This brings us to the essential quality of Patience – timelessness. Patience has no boundaries, no limits. It is the refinement of the human soul, because our souls are trapped in our very limited bodies. Patience is a connection with our eternal soul and a true realization of its place in the grand scheme of God. This timeless quality is connected in the Quran with the eternity of the gardens of paradise:
“Peace be upon you for that you preserved in patience! Now how excellent is the final home!” (Quran 13:24)
The practical meaning of this is that a person cannot expect the result he/she desires at a certain point. Patience does not have an end and therefore the end that we desire (and are patiently awaiting) must be put aside. In essence the person must trust in God and have faith that whatever is occurring (or is not) is better that way in a plan of God.
We cannot at some point declare that we have been patient enough and become frustrated with God. This is the ultimate failure. If God places a person in a position of need, He opens the door of opportunity for the person to obtain Paradise, something much greater than whatever that person must be hoping for, for paradise contain the vision of God.
If we are to go on being patient without expecting an end, then the question arises as to how to we control the anticipation while we are patiently waiting. So that a person does not break his/hear fast of patience, he/she needs to exercise self-control. Just like fasting, where a person prevents himself from going to the fridge, no matter how thirsty he/she feels, the patient person holds his anger, desperation, fear, anticipation, eagerness or excitation with himself. This containment is linked intricately with self-control, something built up by fasting. The Prophet (SA) said: “Fasting is half of patience.” (Tirmidhi, Daawat – 86), proving this link and teaching us how to develop our patience, something emphasized in the Quran.
So in order to achieve the self-restraint required, the goal, whether it be our next meal or our next luxury car, should be placed out of the part of us that desires the now and into the part of us that is satisfied with the decree of God and knows that the thing desired will come, either in this life or the next, if we but trust in Him.
Developing your patience means developing your character – creating calm, inner peace, control and foresight. As we remove what prevents our desire by ruling us by exercising self-control through patience, we create a soul that is not rushed by here and now, but that feels the calm of timelessness. Whereas it is hard to appreciate what you already have, patience can tell you to appreciate what you don’t have, that we need not worry about things beyond our control and that we can achieve peace by leaving these decisions and concerns to God. This is why Islam (Submission to God) is linked so closely to Salam (peace). By trusting God and being Patient he nears himself to you:
“Those of faith! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer: for God is definitely with those of patience.” (Quran 2:153)
weatherly wisdom
attune yourself to your environment and the way it changes,for those moments of change present lessons which could mould a better you..
if that sentence had you scratching your head a bit,heres a simple example to confuse you further and then to clarify the meaning of the above. walk from a warm room out into the cold star lit night or vice versa,and had you been paying attention to that change you would have learnt some of lifes greatest lessons. you see,life is just like that.it has periods of 'hot' and 'cold','ups' and 'downs' ..in a minute,or a moment it could all change.just when you are walking on air,head swelled to capacity(inflated ego) life gives you a 'cold night ' to walk out into.its not to crush you but rather to teach the valuable lesson of appreciation.when we step out into the cold we immediately are grateful for the warmth we enjoyed inside.if we rush back in to put on a jacket we also learn that we cannot control our circumstances but we can control how we react to them.
il leave you to your monday with wishes of a blessed week ahead. remember that even when you are experiencing a 'cold' point in your life,our Creator has placed a number of 'insulators' at our disposal. they are our family and friends. if you still feel you have no one to confide in, you have Him.and thats all you will ever need..
until you read again
if that sentence had you scratching your head a bit,heres a simple example to confuse you further and then to clarify the meaning of the above. walk from a warm room out into the cold star lit night or vice versa,and had you been paying attention to that change you would have learnt some of lifes greatest lessons. you see,life is just like that.it has periods of 'hot' and 'cold','ups' and 'downs' ..in a minute,or a moment it could all change.just when you are walking on air,head swelled to capacity(inflated ego) life gives you a 'cold night ' to walk out into.its not to crush you but rather to teach the valuable lesson of appreciation.when we step out into the cold we immediately are grateful for the warmth we enjoyed inside.if we rush back in to put on a jacket we also learn that we cannot control our circumstances but we can control how we react to them.
il leave you to your monday with wishes of a blessed week ahead. remember that even when you are experiencing a 'cold' point in your life,our Creator has placed a number of 'insulators' at our disposal. they are our family and friends. if you still feel you have no one to confide in, you have Him.and thats all you will ever need..
until you read again
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack...
and thats enough for you today,just smile and rejoice knowing i have returned.hehe,just joking. hmm.so its been an almost three week holiday,where oh where do i begin...
the first weekend away saw us holidaying in the drakensberg region at the ORION MONT-AUX-SOURCES
resort. it was a reunion sort of getaway where an over 60 strong group of my family pounced on the wilderness.you would think it would be the other way around,but no.when you introduce a bunch of smog inhaling city residents to an environment of pristine air , you are bound to have some interesting results.through the craziness,it was a weekend filled with life,laughter and thankfully a fair bit of sun.one aspect i must mention is that the beauty our Creator has blessed that region with,never ceases to amaze me. if you are one of those need to connect with nature types, i suggest u plan a visit soon.so worth it.
the rest of my holiday was spent at my parents home :-D albeit husbandless :-( .I spent the days with my sister,resuming our usual 'you cook and i'll gladly eat your food' relationship. hehe, i terribly miss troubling her when im away, so i made certain that i made up for it. :-P my cousin was also there for a few days ,and i thoroughly enjoyed her company. the evenings spent with mum and dad reminded me that i have lots to be grateful for..
the almost 3 weeks were family filled ,relaxing and fun-everything a holiday should be.i wish the same for all of you ,it does wonders for the spirit!
until you read again
the first weekend away saw us holidaying in the drakensberg region at the ORION MONT-AUX-SOURCES
resort. it was a reunion sort of getaway where an over 60 strong group of my family pounced on the wilderness.you would think it would be the other way around,but no.when you introduce a bunch of smog inhaling city residents to an environment of pristine air , you are bound to have some interesting results.through the craziness,it was a weekend filled with life,laughter and thankfully a fair bit of sun.one aspect i must mention is that the beauty our Creator has blessed that region with,never ceases to amaze me. if you are one of those need to connect with nature types, i suggest u plan a visit soon.so worth it.
the rest of my holiday was spent at my parents home :-D albeit husbandless :-( .I spent the days with my sister,resuming our usual 'you cook and i'll gladly eat your food' relationship. hehe, i terribly miss troubling her when im away, so i made certain that i made up for it. :-P my cousin was also there for a few days ,and i thoroughly enjoyed her company. the evenings spent with mum and dad reminded me that i have lots to be grateful for..
the almost 3 weeks were family filled ,relaxing and fun-everything a holiday should be.i wish the same for all of you ,it does wonders for the spirit!
until you read again
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